So long Small Isles

I'm up early this morning to give myself plenty of time to get the ferry back to Mallaig today and what a sight.

The deer are lying on the beach as I pack up and it's so peaceful that I'll be sad to leave Rum behind. All packed up and back on the track at 7:30am I feel the joys of the early morning.

I hadn't quite realised until yesterday but the ferry this morning goes all around the Small Isles again before it gets back to Mallaig and so I have a good 5 hours of nothing to do before I can start my ride south on the mainland. The sea is choppy and it's a bit windy so I sit inside and while away the time drinking tea and staring out of the window.

Arriving in Mallaig at 2pm I feel like I've been up forever and it's time to start thinking of where to camp rather than the reality of just being about to start the days riding. My plan is just to get as far south as possible as I'm headed for Kilchoan to get the ferry over to the Isle of Mull.

Immediately I'm riding into a headwind, urgh! The road is fast and busy and I am not enjoying it as I make my way towards Lochailort. Stopping at the Lochailort Inn for a pot of tea I'm greeted by a woman who looks like she'd rather chop her own finger off than serve me and her attitude doesn't improve when I later ask for a top up of water in my teapot. How she gets any business is beyond me but then there was only one other person in there so maybe she doesn't!

The wind didn't improve any as I continued on the road to Glenuig. It was 8 miles and I'd decided that I would stop there for the night. It started to drizzle and that just didn't help matters any. I totally wasn't feeling the riding and longed for the miles to disappear.

I hate feeling like this when I'm riding. I get angry at myself for not enjoying it and it's a vicious circle of frustration and anger. Riding along the coast there were some nice views and I forced myself to take them in and try to find something to smile about.

Tired and rather miserable I arrived in Glenuig. I needed some water and so popped into the Inn and ended up staying for a pint. Sitting down on the comfy sofa was nearly the end for me as all I wanted to do was lie down and sleep.

Dragging myself away with my water for the night I only had to ride 5 minutes down the road until I'd found a nice spot to camp.

It's been a strange day and not one that I've particularly enjoyed but tomorrow is another day.

Trip Summary:

  • Miles ridden = ???
  • Ice creams eaten = 8
  • Ferries taken = 26
  • Islands visited = 22
  • Wild camp nights = 34
  • Ticks removed from body = 8
  • Distilleries visited = 6
  • Breweries visited = 3
  • Bothy nights = 6
  • Trips to A & E = 1